Olive Wood (Olea europaea)
Rough: 4/4 & 5/4 live edge
D2S: short boards of irregular shape, as per the tree
Pricing: from $15.00 + most boards priced individually
The Wood:

Olivewood Live Edge Slabs
Olivewood is typically a small gnarly tree imported from areas of Italy and northern African in live edge slabs, representing the unique shape of each tree. The slabs can be as large as 20″ at one end and only 5 or 6″ at the other end.. or even in the middle… think bikini 🙂 It has quite a variability of colour from rather plain creamy shades of brown similar to birch, … to wild erratic and dramatic black streaking on some of the more amazing boards.
With a janka rating of over 2500, the wood is quite dense, with of course the “olive oil” embedded in the wood adding to the wood’s density…. ie the big reason it is used extensively for charcuterie boards. Having said that the more unique pieces are great for knife scales, with the natural oils offering great life expectancy.